the flower garden at spikenard bee sanctuary
- the beauty and vision of spikenard bee sanctuary in floyd, virginia
- i've been documenting wildflowers on walks and hikes for the past few weeks. it's incredible how many more you see when you are tuned in to their existence.
- rain, rain, and more rain.
- my luca dog has gone mostly deaf so he barks all the time now to make sure he covers all his bases.
- that shot of ozone scent after all the rain.
- everything smells positively mossy.
- lavender leaves crushed between my fingers.
- gardenia blooms and the last of the honeysuckle, so strong and sweet it makes me swoon a bit.
- weaving plant material on the garden loom.
- hands in so much dirt.
- homemade honeysuckle ice cream
- a good old-fashioned moon pie while taking a roadtrip break in fancy gap, virginia
- a soft sense of moving in the right direction.
- the grace of easing up.
- a sense of safety, knowing folks care.
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