Saturday, June 15, 2013

color and the city {the instagrams}

i wandered around the american museum of natural history for a good part of one whole day.  this is an unusually quiet moment as i was sharing the museum with about two thousand new york city school children.  it was good to see kids get excited about rocks and things.

we were in the city for ten days and it only rained once.  for about twelve hours.  torrentially.  like umbrellas-turned-inside-out-and-ankle-deep-puddles torrential.  exploring was not interrupted.  not for one second.

fashion district wall o' ribbon.

i shot about a hundred photos of subway tile.  because you've just got to celebrate good signage.  it's totally a thing of the past.

minerals are pretty.

i escaped the crowds on 5th and experienced peace and awe and mass at st. pat's.

next visit i am going to find all the murals.  all of them.

of all the jaw-dropping-amazingness at moma, this one was my favorite.  spanish head composition by george condo, 1988.