Sunday, May 17, 2009


one of the things I love about the birth of a baby (besides the obvious cute babiness!) is how we celebrate and want to protect the newness of life. I feel a desire to make the world a better place, bring a little peace to her space in it and help pave the way for her and all the other babies to have a life on this beautiful earth that is full of happiness, wonder and discovery.

I like that about babies.


color week starts tomorrow with blue monday! see wednesday's post for the schedule (but you all know how I feel about rules, so feel free to peacefully dissent and do your own color thing). there's still time to sign up if you'd like. there is so much color to see and capture and share, it just makes me smile a really big smile in anticipation. you can post your photos (or words) however you wish, either on your blog or flickr. if you don't have either, still join in, you'll be amazed how a teeny-tiny little assignment will focus your mind on beautiful color you may have missed.