I promise this one will be short and sweet. I, for one, am still kind of marinating in yesterday's questions and responses. I am sitting between feelings of lightness from the well-thought chorus of "yes!" experienced here and a heavier challenge to somehow move my dear friends to the bright side (while still respecting who they are and where they've been).
today is the last day of november. nablopomo is fini! posting every day was challenging, but I am so glad I did it. I must say again how much I admire those of you who do this on a regular basis or even five days a week.
I took the challenge on a whim. I must have been bored that day and/or had one too many cups of joe. but I actually learned some things along the way. you see, my friends, I am a starter. I do not do so well at finishing. I have tremendous sparks of energy and creativity at the beginning of projects, plans, ideas, events, but soon happily hand the details over to more capable and reliable souls. but there really was no one to delegate to here. so I carried on. digging deeper for ideas, words, images: going out and experiencing little things to have something to post. in a concentrated timespan of one month, it really did prove to me that this blogging thing we've got going here is pretty amazing stuff.
thanks for staying with me.